Wednesday, June 3, 2009

See You in Court*

Via the Mexico Institute, a trade group of Mexican truckers has sued the US government in US court for failing to comply with a provision of Nafta that should allow Mexican semis to pass freely into the United States. So, commentator JD, do they have a case?

*My most clichéd post title ever. I'm patting myself on the back as I write this.


jd said...


They've already won similar cases before NAFTA dispute panels and in court, but I'm not sure they've sought direct compensation this way. A lot depends on where the case is heard, but on the basic issue of whether the issue violates NAFTA they're in good shape. In the end it's a political issue and will probably have a political solution. And once Obama is personally informed about the situation he'll surely stand up for justice and the rule of law.

pc said...

Nicely summarized.