Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Peje Accuses

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has failed to play a vital role in the campaigns (at least from my northern vantage point) despite the economic crisis, filed a criminal complaint with the PGR against Felipe Calderón, Vicente Fox, Ernesto Zedillo, Elba Esther Gordillo, Diego Fernández de Cevallos, Venustiano Carranza, and General Santa Ana, among others. (OK, I made two of those names up.) The group, which he calls the mafia that is leading the country, is charged with being a "criminal association dedicated to influence trafficking, corruption, and misuse of public funds and assets."

Read more about from the man himself here. Read more about it in English at Mex Files. Richard points out that there's probably some truth to what AMLO is alleging. With the caveat that I don't really know anything about it, I'd tend to agree. It's unfortunate that AMLO has let his message and his movement become overwhelmed by his persona and his anti-democratic tactics. You can imagine an alternative universe in which AMLO was less over-the-top, less conspiracy-minded, and more relevant. Or you could just imagine Brazil; after all, Lula lost the presidency three times before he won it.

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