Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A New Front

The latest battle between the ends of the Mexican left has centered on the competition for the PRD candidacy for the Iztapalapa delegation chiefdom between Clara Brugada (AMLO's choice) and Silvia Oliva (Ortega's preference). After Brugada's candidacy was controversially revoked by the TEPJF because of irregularities in the March primary, she re-launched her campaign under the PT's banner, with AMLO's help. (Since the candidacies are irrevocable, the plan is for voters to select PT candidate Rafael Acosta, who would then hand the post over to Brugada.) Marcelo Ebrard seemed to express more annoyance with AMLO than is typical, saying he was not consulted about his support for the Acosta-Brugada gambit, before adding that the other side hadn't supported him either.

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