Sunday, June 28, 2009

Coup in Honduras

Maybe this post's title should have a question mark at the end of it; Boz called it a "coup", with the quotation marks being his. Follow his site for details as they come. I'll be interested to see Obama's reaction; this event, in tandem the 2002 Venezuela coup, will likely turn into a useful barometer for the differences between he and his predecessor.

Update: More from Boz here. At this point, the US has condemned the events without calling them a coup.

Update 2: Noel Maurer has some analysis here.

Update 3: As Boz points out in comments, the US is calling it a coup.


boz said...

The US did call it a coup last night. It was a coup.

pc said...

Thanks for pointing that out, it is now updated.

jd said...

I actually think that George W is partially to thank for the quick, strong US reaction. His bunch blew the response to Venezuela in 2002 so disastrously that an actual lesson was learned by the foreign policy establishment: don't alienate the region by appearing to waffle while deciding if the coup is *favorable* to US interests (interests in the conventional wisdom, WaPo ed board sense). All coups are to be condemned, punto.

pc said...

Yeah W definitely lowered the bar for Obama. The WaPo has still had nothing to say about this, right? How long before they weigh in? And how much of the response will be needlessly devoted to Chávez?

jd said...

We have an answer!

pc said...

Yeah four of the six paragraphs are on Chávez, some of them extensively. Par for the course, I'd say.