Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obvious Failure

The OAS Secretary-General José Miguel Insulza was on the front page of El Universal this morning calling the war on drugs a failure in so far as it has sought to prevent consumption. About using the army in the war on drugs, he said: 
I wish we could have enough police officers to combat drug traffickers with resorting to the army, but I think that in some countries in the Americas, such as Colombia or Mexico, and some others that I could mention, I think that it is necessary.
More on the army here in Mexico: there was a military operation in a Mexico City neighborhood yesterday, which is an exceedingly rare event. Indeed, I don't ever remember a similar one. This article implies that Mexico City will see more army operations in coming weeks. Marcelo Ebrard has endorsed the operation, despite rejecting calls for an army presence in DF early last year. 

Also, Torreón has upped the military presence in the city to more than 2,500 troops, an unprecedented number. They're everywhere, too; I think I've seen more in the past 24 hours than I have in any day since Calderón was here two years ago. 

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