Sunday, January 2, 2011

Toward a Sensible Immigration Strategy in Mexico

This recent editorial from El Universal is full of sound thinking:
In this context, is there anything that the Mexican government can do? It's true that intervening in the domestic affairs of another country --although it involves foreign citizens-- is always complicated, above all with an asymmetry of power as large as that which exists between Mexico and the United States. Nonetheless, there are openings where the Mexican government can have an influence. Criticizing our neighbor and protesting can bear political fruit inside of Mexico, but it's different on the other side of the border.

A lobbying network in American territory is needed. The Mexican government must lead an persuasive effort inside the Congress of that country, with each legislator, in order to convince them that the costs of leaving millions of migrants in the shadows are much larger than the benefits.

The network of Mexican consulates covers the entire United States. The consuls should receive instruction to approach local media, centers of higher learning, businessmen and politicians, and turn into something more than agents of protection for Mexican citizens. Mexico must complain when it is necessary, but to influence the internal politics of the US a greater capacity to convince is needed.

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