Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calderón Still Green

Excélsior reports that Felipe Calderón, basking in the glow of the only sustained batch of positive media coverage he's received in a long while, will continue the green-foot-first image he projected at the Cancún summit:
As a key point in his international policy, President Calderón will push a new round of lobbying, with the goal of finalizing by the end of this year...the agreements reached in December in Cancún, Quintana Roo.

The Mexican leader seeks to use this high-level forum of political and economic power, where more than a thousand leads of international businesses and 30 heads of state will meet, to link the topic of productive investments and jobs with sustainable development.
It goes on to say that he will use this image and that of Mexico as a country that dealt with the crisis effectively and has rebounded strongly as a counterpoint to the violent reputation that prevails today.

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