Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Great Writer on Another

Via Hendrik Hertzberg, Bob Dylan has some characteristically interesting things to say about Barack Obama here. One of the most appealing things about the legendary songwriter is actually a trait he shares with the president: he tends to think about the question put forth before answering it, which helps him avoid answering softballs with cliches and often makes his answers quite unexpected. Take this section:
BF: What in his book would make you think he’d be a good politician?

BD: Well nothing really. In some sense you would think being in the business of politics would be the last thing that this man would want to do. I think he had a job as an investment banker on Wall Street for a second - selling German bonds. But he probably could’ve done anything. If you read his book, you’ll know that the political world came to him. It was there to be had.

BF: Do you think he’ll make a good president?

BD: I have no idea.

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