Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Reason to Dislike My Bank

By no choice of my own (your personal bank is usually your employer's in Mexico), my checking account is with Bancomer. For most of my almost three years with the company, I had no reason to especially like or dislike it. That has changed. One reason my opinion of Bancomer began to change is that I started getting telemarketing calls from their life insurance division while at work, despite repeated and increasingly irritated pleas to stop calling me. My esteem for Bancomer has fallen further thanks to the following message, which now appears on the ATM screen after I withdraw cash: 
Dear client, your application has been rejected. For additional information, please visit the designated branch. 
I have no idea what program I am automatically applying for when I withdraw cash, and I readily acknowledge that my present financial state makes me unworthy for anything other than welfare, but do I want to reminded of that every time I need 20 bucks? No, I don't. Sod off, Bancomer. 

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