Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On the Radio Waves

Silvio Canto was kind enough to invite me onto his radio show today. I haven't listened to it yet, but when we were talking about the Cubs toward the end of my segment, I think I let escape a sound ("Oooooh!") that sounded like it came from a porno flick. So listen and make fun!


Noel Maurer said...

Nah. It wasn't bad.

You don't need to hear me. See "Accents, Brooklyn."

pc said...

Thanks! Yeah the Oooooh wasn't as creepy as I was worried it would be. The bigger problem was "I think" and "kind of" every five words. Do I really speak like that?

Noel Maurer said...

You sounded like a very smart teenager. I'm not sure exactly why your voice sounded so young. It wasn't slang or verbal ticks, those weren't noticeable.

I got the impression of somebody from Texas who had moved to southern California. I couldn't tell you why to save my life.

pc said...

I think Im like verbal Benjamin Button, my voice grows younger as I grow older. When I first learned to talk, I sounded like Paul Harvey.