Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rabasa Follows Up

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned Emilio Rabasa's forthcoming column diagnosing the defects of the Mexican left. That column has now come forth:
The party of the Aztec sun must decide if it is willing to participate in democracy under democratic rules or, looking backwards, sustaining that the democracy is nothing more than the instrument of the bourgeoisie to preserve their power, and an obstacle to redeem the country from its social ills, which are necessary do away with, as is the case with Hugo Chávez in Venezuela.

Preserving the dualism of legality-illegality simply damages the image of the PRD before an electorate which it originally seduced with its struggle for democracy and the democracy for which if fought, when its most progressive wings split from a PRI stubbornly worried with preserving its authoritarianism against the current democratic globalization evident in the world since the '70s. Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas is, without a doubt, one of the architects of the democratization of Mexico.
The deconstruction concluded, the PRD will need to initiate the construction of a new profoundly democratic political edifice that recognizes the market as its economic habitat, but not so as to accept and embrace its savagery, but rather to contain and channel its torrent of calamities, avoiding its overflow that would flood a shamefully unequal society like that which we have.
The points about accepting the market and making full-throated commitment to democracy seem painfully obvious to me, but it remains a very real obstacle. That's why AMLO is on the cover of today's El Universal talking about building a network of 15 million supporters for the 2012 election (which would be darn close to a winning margin) with the full support of the Mexico City government.

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