Monday, March 23, 2009

Measuring the PAN

According to Excélsior's "Populómetro", the most well liked panista in the country is none other than Margarita Zavala, Felipe Calderón's wife. I don't find this all that surprising: she has a perfectly likeable, non-controversial public persona who is married to a similarly well liked president. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, she comes after Marta Sahagún. Essentially, she's Laura Bush in late 2001 for a nation that's been dealing with a combination of Hillary Clinton circa 1993, Huey Long, and one of the ladies from Wisteria Lane. How could anyone not love her?

The second most admired member of the party was Calderón. Among the possible presidential hopefuls: Santiago Creel scored a 4.6 on the approval meter (compared to 6.8 for Zavala), Fernando Gómez-Mont registered a 6.3, Josefina Vázquez came in with a 5.8, Gustavo Madero tallied a 6.1 (why is his name never mentioned as a potential candidate?), and Germán Martínez notched a 4.9.


Anonymous said...

like your blog. do you have an rss feed. i would like to receive your postings via email.

pc said...

I don't know, but I'll get on that and hopefully have something up shortly. Thanks for reading.

pc said...


Someone told me that because me blog is on blogspot, an rss feed is automatically included. Is this incorrect?