Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Janet Napolitano was asked in a Senate hearing today if Calderón faced an existential threat in the drug violence, to which she replied, "Yes." I don't see how this is so. The affirmative answer implies that the Mexican drug gangs want to do away with this government. So far as we know, they do not. So what about it is existential? Is the threat to the mayor of Baltimore, where the murder rate is four times that of Mexico's, also existential? This isn't just nit-picking; aside from misunderstanding the menace the gangs represent, calling them an existential threat is only a step below calling Mexico a failed state.

Granted, walking the fine line between ignoring a serious problem and overstating it is no easy task (especially when you have to take into account the political ramifications of every word that escapes your lips), but the DHS boss inclined to far toward the latter today.

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