Monday, February 21, 2011

AMLO and the PRD: Taking a Break?

Yesterday, owing to consternation over the PAN-PRD alliance in EdoMex that is growing more likely, Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced his temporary and indefinite hiatus from his membership in the PRD. Today, Jesús Zambrano, a federal deputy and one of the leaders of the strongest anti-AMLO wing of the party, rejected the move, saying that he must either resign or put up with the party's decisions in the State of Mexico. Here is Bajo Reserva on the issue:
The determination of leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador to take his distance from the PRD is due to two independent processes: evidence that his party and the PAN are hurriedly constructing an alliance in the State of Mexico, which could leave on the sidelines Alejandro Encinas, the only aspirant who was accepted by the Tabascan. The other factor is the hard data offered by all the polls, which all indicate that the party of the Aztec sun can only be competitive in 2012 if López Obrador and Marcelo Ebrard are on the same ship. Nevertheless, Ebrard has been building his own strength little by little, beyond the shadows of AMLO. The question is what comes now.

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