Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Honor for the 42nd President

Obama may have beaten him to the Nobel, but can Barack claim to have any Mexican drug lords adopting monikers to celebrate him? No, he can't, but now Bill Clinton can. It must be a big day in Little Rock.


jd said...

Thinking about funny celebrity potential narco-apodos is a great way to give yourself a quick chuckle. What would be the funniest politician one? El Maggie Thatcher? El Howell Heflin? El Barney Frank?

pc said...

If his profile grows, I'd go with the Saturday columnist from the NY Times: El Charles Blow.

jd said...

Hmm, just sticking to the NYT columnist stable, I'd think El Bob Herbert would be even better. The narco who acquired it would very earnestly pipe up at all the meetings with totally valid but predictable points about distribution, security, etc., and then be roundly ignored.

pc said...

Hahah that sounds about right. And all the rest would be kind of ashamed (but not too much) for not paying closer attention. Did you read that Washington Monthly piece a couple months ago about his writing?