Saturday, February 28, 2009

Making Lemonade from Lemons

The financial crisis would seem to be a perfect opportunity for Felipe Calderón to improve the quality of the federal police. With unemployment on the rise and tens of thousands of engineers and economists and lawyers graduating into an unwelcoming labor market each year, an aggressive recruiting program would fill the ranks of the PGR and the federal police with a capable cohort of professionals with a wide range of talents. Aside from the gain in abilities alone, it could also be a chance to build a sense of esprit de corps that seems to be sorely lacking. 

Maybe Mexico is already doing that --this NY Times piece from last summer spoke briefly about Calderón's recruiting college kids for the federal police-- but I've seen no reporting on specifically using the crisis to revitalize the security agencies, which means that millions of other potential recruits probably haven't either. 

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