Saturday, February 14, 2009

Taking it to Court

Luis Téllez says he will press charges against those responsible for the broadcast of the phone conversations in which he, among other comments, alleges malfeasance on the part of Carlos Salinas and proposes using President Calderón's name (presumably without his authorization) in a dispute with the Federal Telecommunications Commission. I suppose this means Diana Pando and Carmen Aristegui could be in some legal trouble. I don't know whether or not he has a strong case (anyone who does have a good handle on Mexican communications law, feel free to offer an opinion), but regardless this seems like a dubious decision politically. As long as those tapes continue being played on the radio and TV (or reprinted in the print media), everyone involved --from Téllez to Calderón-- looks bad. Pressing charges merely lengthens the shelf life of this story. 

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