Sunday, November 2, 2008

Diamond Cutter

Cristian "El Diamante Lagunero" Mijares was knocked out in the ninth round of a fight he was losing badly last night, and everyone is sad today in the Comarca Lagunera. Maybe I'll feel compelled to comment on the fight later (it was a shocking result, one I can't quite figure out), but for now all I care to say is the following: why was it necessary for Coahuila to buy ad space on the ring mat and the four ring posts? (Sorry, can't find a picture.) Really, that can't be cheap, and that's why usually the sponsors are corporations like Budweiser. How is it possible that a Mexican state that 98 percent of the American audience had surely never heard of sees it worth tens of thousands of dollars (or more?) to increase awareness of its existence at an American fight? Adding to the silliness, Mijares isn't even from Coahuila, so the state had no actual connection to the fight card.

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