Friday, November 21, 2008

PRD Maneuverings

After being declared the loser of the March contests for party presidency, Alejandro Encinas resigned from his post as the party's secretary general. That, along with rumors of an alliance between smaller leftist parties and AMLO followers, seemed to spell the end of the extreme left's membership in the PRD. Then, however, stalwart Encinas ally Hortensia Aragón agreed to take over the post, so it's possible the move was just a face-saver by Encinas, and predictions of the pejistas' defection were premature. Ultimately, I think the forces pulling the PRD (as it exists today) apart will be more powerful than those holding it together, which is to say that the ascension of the moderate wing as the most visible and powerful of the PRD will be more than AMLO, Encinas, and the rest will be willing to stomach. In the near term, though, I can't make heads or tails of it.

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