Thursday, November 27, 2008

Changes at the Top

The president's personal secretary César Nava is leaving Los Pinos, moving instead to the PAN headquarters to focus on strategy for the 2009 mid-term elections and to seek a post in the Chamber of Deputies. He will be replaced by Mexico's ambassador to the Vatican, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena.

It occurred to me as I glanced at the photos of the press conference with Nava and Germán Martínez that the calderonistas are kind of a nerdy-looking bunch, especially without the late Juan Camilo Mouriño. I still like that wing's eggheadedness much better than Fox's clownishness or the yunquistas' ultra-right positions, but that could matter from an electoral standpoint. Not to overdo the superficiality, but Calderón snuck to victory as a responsible technocrat largely because his opponents in 2006 were (fairly) characterized as a lying cheater and a populist firebrand, but in 2012, the faces of the PRD and PRI are likely to be appealing moderates who are married to/dating soap opera actresses.

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