Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No Trust in Nuevo León

From Milenio:
The population of Nuevo León is the least trustful in the federal, state, and municipal police agencies, according to the results of the Encuesta Ciudadana sobre percepción de Seguridad Pública 2010.

The document released this Tuesday by the federal government, signals that in the 28 states where the State Public Security Councils applied polls, Nuevo León was in last place with a level of trust of 4.7 on a ten-point scale.

This figure is beneath the national average of 5.8 and it contrasts dramatically with Yucatán, which reached 7.1.
From one standpoint, this is not surprising, because Nuevo León has had a lot of spectacular attacks as well as general security decline. At the same time, in terms of murders, the region is not even close to being the worst in Mexico. There may already be research confirming or denying this, but that seems to suggest that citizens lose faith in government more in the midst of a decline in security rather than an ongoing crisis that may well be more severe. In other words, your expectations and level of disappointment shift to compensate for the decline after a while.

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