Thursday, July 14, 2011

El Universal on the New Drug Strategy

From an editorial last week on the new ONDCP strategy and the visit to the border by Janet Napolitano and Gil Kerlikowske:
Officials gathered in Nogales, Arizona, to delineate the strategy for their country against drug trafficking. It is an advance because it emphasizes the importance of combating the corruption among federal agents in American institution. Furthermore, the Obama government will invest 10 billion in preventative education and treatment initiatives with the objective of reducing the use of drugs by 15 percent among American youths in the next five years.

But despite all of these announcements, which are doubtless encouraging, the balance of bilateral communication continues being negative for Mexico. A reduction in consumption among young people in the US, in five years, will be far from translating into greater security for Mexicans. "Redoubling" the efforts and cooperation sounds very good, but nevertheless, if the nature of this help is just that of recet years --information for the capture of capos and a few million dollars of military equipment-- the result will be the same: the deterioration of quality of life, above all along the common border.

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