Sunday, May 31, 2009

Telling Tales

According to the PGR, Chapo Guzmán is more of an emblematic leader of his group than an operational boss. That reminds me of a passage toward the end of De las Maras a las Zetas
When Benjamín Arellano Félix was arrested in Puebla, accompanied by only two bodyguards, he was asked why he was relatively unprotected. The leader explained something that was known, but on many occasions is not believed: from the moment that these capos become public figures, they leave a good part of the daily operation of their organizations in the hands of others. They continue charging their fee and they can take control for certain types of decisions, but they neither manage nor have a very deep knowledge of the details of the operation. 
PGR chief Eduardo Medino Mora also said that La Familia is the most dangerous mafia in the country. That strikes me as a very odd claim; the group isn't said to be operating much beyond Michoacán, and has only been around for five years or so. On the other hand, the Zetas and Sinaloa gangs not only have a presence in every state in Mexico, but they operate around the world, from South America to Africa to Europe. I imagine that the PGR thinks that talking up the danger and influence of the group will take some of the heat off of the arrests from last week, but, really, it's the opposite; making claims that contradict everything we've been hearing for the past several years undermines the government's credibility. 


jd said...

I also thought that was strange, partially for the reasons you say, and also because bringing more attention to the cartel pecking order sort of gives ammo to those who claim that La Familia's network took the hit specifically because of the protection that the bigger cartels receive from politicians. One the one hand, Medina's statement is sort of standard political chest-beating, but its rather apparent hyperbole actually causes one to stop and think "wait, why are they going to such lengths to puff up La Familia?" Cui bono, etc.

pc said...

Yeah exactly. It's like talking up our opponent in sports; if they're that good, you don't really need to say anything, because everyone knows. And if they aren't that good, why bother, just call a win a win. And in this case, it's just so obviously contradicted both by past statements and data about group membership of arrested dealers that it's hard to accept such a statement without any qualification.

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