Friday, May 15, 2009

Day of Celebration

It's a big day here in Mexico. First, it's Teachers Day. Please, take a second to look at the picture to the left, and thank all of those people selflessly working to plant the seeds of a better future. Or some crap like that. Or, if you prefer, think for a minute about all the most irritating teachers you ever had, and wake yourself up with a nice, stiff jolt of spiteful anger.

The second cause for celebration is that there is a front-page article in the NY Times about Mexico that won't leave Americans more unhappy/worried/fearful about its neighbor after reading it. This hasn't happened since, I believe, Díaz was in his second decade in office. The article, based on stats from Inegi, tells us that Mexican immigration dropped by 25 percent in the year ending on August 2008. The reason is the economy (notwithstanding the comments from Steven Camarota), which should leave Times readers more unhappy/worried/fearful about the US, but that's a topic for another day.

1 comment:

pc said...

Yeah he was great in Season 4. As shady as he was, Valcheck was a good character too.