Saturday, March 17, 2012


Excélsior had a front-page story yesterday about how the presidential candidates could expect to find the majority of their votes in just ten states, and how in 2006, these ten provided 63 percent of all the votes cast. This is a banal census factoid masquerading as a piece of vital inside baseball: the ten states in question account for 67 million Mexicans, out of a total of roughly 110 million total.

Below the fold, Excélsior informed us that Jennifer Lopez is "more than sexy". It was a good day for the "périodico de la vida nacional".


Kiran Anto said...

nice post i like it ....

visit :
Newsbarrrel Realtime news

B said...

Yes, but did they say how much more than sexy she is? Because that would be journamalism, my friend.

pc said...

hahaha indeed, that's what you're in Sinaloa investigating, I take it.