Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cordero's Out

Ernesto Cordero, who enjoyed a flurry of attention as a possible presidential candidate after being named Finance Secretary late last year, took himself off the preliminary presidential list a couple of days ago. He did the same thing in December, after which César Nava responded that nothing was settled. As far as I know, no one responded to Cordero's latter declaration with similar incredulity, which, along with the fact that this is the second denial in a little over a month, gives this a greater sense of finality.

Education Secretary Alonso Lujambio also put himself among the "not interested" group earlier this week, which, assuming he is serious, means two of the possible challengers to Santiago Creel are sitting this one out. One wonders if Cordero and Lujambio, both of whom would presumably like to president at some point, figure that winning in 2012 isn't in the cards for the PAN, and that it's better to avoid the inevitable lump-taking in what will most likely be a losing effort.

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