Saturday, August 8, 2009

El Universal on the Supreme Court

Like Gancho, (one of) Mexico's paper(s) of record likes what it saw from the Supreme Court this week: 
Yesterday, in this space, we celebrated the decision of the highest court to liberate 40 innocents, jailed 11 years ago by a fabrication of evidence from the PGR.


Responding to the demand for justice from the parents that lost their children in the day-care center is also a sign that there is someone in the Mexican state capable of assuming responsibility. 

The most relevant thing is that the justices have taken up the issue from a perspective of reason and empathy with the citizens, central elements for constructing a public space in a democracy. Should it continue this tendency toward social sensibility would open a new era in the relationship between judges and the people. An opportunity for the highest court in the land, head of the judicial branch, achieves a closeness --nonexistent before the present episode-- with the population. 

This rapprochement between the judges and the population can come about only if the justices maintain their decisions and their daily behaviors according to the common good, above when it is convenient for the powers and the powerful. Let's hope that this time the Court's faculty of investigation delivers the expected fruits. 

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