Monday, October 18, 2010

Chapo as Destabilizing Expansionist

According to the Mexican government, 84 percent of the drug-related murders under Calderón have been the result of Chapo Guzmán's group pushing out into new territories and coming into conflict with the groups previously in control of the area. I don't know how reliable these numbers are, but I think it's fantasy to be able to attribute anything close to 100 percent of the murders linked to organized crime to Chapo, Carrillo, and the like playing Stratego with their respective organizations across the nation. A lot of the violence filling the newspapers is low-level, intra-city turf warfare that may have a loose connection to one capo or another, but isn't directly related to anyone's attempts to move into one city or another. In other words, I guess you could attribute every single death in Juarez to Chapo's incursion, but much of the violence there is small-timers taking advantage of the climate of insecurity.

I do, however, think it's interesting that the feds are willing to finger Chapo as the villain, given all the accusations that they are protecting him.

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