Friday, October 31, 2008

Shakeups Coming?

Ricardo Alemán says that after having been brought into his post solely to shepherd oil reform through the Congress, now that the reform has passed, Juan Camilo Mouriño is on his way out as the Interior Secretary. The possible replacements, according to Alemán: Secretary of Education Josefina Vázquez Mota, IMSS chief Juan Molinar Horcasitas, Secretary of Health José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, and Calderón confidant César Nava.

Alemán adds that notwithstanding his middling performance in guiding the oil reform legislation, this is not a bad result for Mouriño.
[I]n effect, one of the winning hands seems to be that of Juan Camilo Mouriño, a campechano who, according to the local polls, has everything he needs to become a panista governor in his native Campeche. At the same time, it's increasingly likely that the refinery that Felipe Calderón's government announced as part of its oil strategy will be built in Campeche.

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