Thursday, July 2, 2009

Slight Variation in Emphasis

The owners of the day-care center where four dozen infants and toddlers were killed in a fire last month were formally accused yesterday. I hadn't heard this, but evidently a cousin of the first lady is one of the owners. Anyway, here's the front-page headline from La Jornada:
Day-care owners are accused of "non-grave" crimes.
And the headline from El Universal's front page:
PGR: the day-care owners, homicidal.
I believe that they are both correct, strictly speaking. I should add that "homicide" is used to describe manslaughter as well in Spanish, and is consequently a slightly weaker label than in English.

Incidentally, the outrage over the event is finally boiling over into some political action. Here in Torreón, nine day-care centers were shut down this week, including one where an 18-month-old acquaintance of mine spends her days. This seemed to leave her mother, whom I saw last night, with an unusual combination of emotions: uneasiness about her day-care center being on the list, relief about potential problems being addressed, and, most immediately, concern about where she was going to deposit her tot the following day.

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