Friday, July 17, 2009

A Great Way to Undermine Confidence

The confessed killers of Fernando Martí have been captured in Mexico City. You may also remember that a group of kidnappers called Banda La Flor was taken down with great fanfare last September, and accused of killing the son the son of Alejandro Martí. The leader of the recently arrested band of kidnappers, Los Petriciolet, say that the members of La Flor had nothing to do with the Martí murder. 

So what about all those declarations last year? All lies? I guess it's somewhat encouraging that officials would be willing to make public such an embarrassing piece of information, but wow, it's easy to see where Mexicans' distrust of government comes from. 

Update: Another odd twist in this story: the father of the kidnapper claiming responsibility for the Martí murder was behind the abduction of the sisters of semi-retired TV personality Thalía. 

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