Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reaction to AMLO's Maneuvering

Better late than never: according to a poll released last week, Mexicans are not surprisingly less than enthralled with AMLO's scheme to get a favored candidate elected as the head of the Iztapalapa delegation through the forced resignation of an erstwhile opponent in Mexico City. Sixty-five percent were not in favor of AMLO's strategy. Only 21 percent said they believed that the strategy is a result of an unfair IFE finding (that which disqualified Clara Brugada's candidacy), while 68 percent say it is a pretext for AMLO to have his favorite supporters in power. More than half think that he is being disloyal to the PRD by supporting PT candidates, against around a fifth who said that the truly disloyal figure is Jesús Ortega. Seventy-eight percent said that the PRD is suffering from internal dissent without recent precedent, although I think it's possible that the number is elevated because previous questions served to prompt thoughts of PRD dissent.

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