Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Voter Profile

Kate D Artigues points us to a piece of data that would seem to negate any possibility of a generation of PRI dominance: more than 40 percent of their voters were between 61 and 96 years old! Also, despite parties of the left being more popular among the young (at least, so goes the stereotype), only 15 percent of voters between 18 and 25 voted for the PRD, versus 34 for the PRI and 28 for the PAN. Actually, the youngsters pretty well replicated the national dynamic, with slightly more support for the PRD.

D Artigues also makes another worthwhile point:
I read it everywhere: after the triumph of the PRI in these elections we must prepare ourselves for the return of the PRI to the presidency in 2012 with Enrique Peña Nieto. It's "inevitable".

First, answer two questions:

Who would have thought on July 2, 2005, not to mention 2003, that Felipe Calderón would be president. Indeed, not even the PAN candidate; the inevitable one was Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Who would have thought that a year before the elections in the US, in November 2007, that Barack Obama would win? Wasn't the contest merely a formality for the inevitable Hillary Clinton?

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