Monday, July 6, 2009

Generation Gap

If I may take a brief diversion from the elections, this line caught my eye from Doyle McManus' response to the Palin resignation:
Unfair as it may be, Palin faces an added burden as a woman: She dare not appear "emotional," a word that's rarely applied to male politicians.
I wonder if the "overly emotional woman" label is a stereotype that hasn't been handed down. For all the double standards that make life hard for ladies my age (I'm 28), I don't think I've ever heard anyone from my generation slam a woman for being emotional. Not that there aren't sexist people born after 1980, it's just that I don't think "emotional" is the epithet they'd use.


Noel Maurer said...

I'm somewhat older than you, and I agree.

pc said...

I guess that's progress. I remember in college a fifty-something professor scolded a classmate for using the word "hysterical" because it was sexist, and she explained to us the derivation of the word blah blah blah and we were all like, What the hell are you talking about? And she had this look on her face that said, How could you all be so naive?