Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good Morning

Today I awoke woke with the song "Odio por Amor" (alternative title: "It's Time to Change") in my head. This was a quite unfortunate development, with the repercussions likely to continue throughout the day. Despite being, according to a Post cub reporter friend of mine, one of George Will's favorites, "Odio por Amor" is a disgustingly addictive song. It's kind of like a bowl of awful-tasting potato chips at a party where there's no one interesting to talk to and no beer and no football on TV: try as you might to avoid it, Juanes' hook digs deep into your subconscious, and the mental constipation that inevitably results is not unlike the stomach irritation that comes from a dinner of greasy Pringles. If you don't believe me, click here. Juanes isn't nearly as hopeless as lots of Spanish-language pop stars, and Manu Chao has shown that bilingual songs can work, but wow, does this song ever flop. May I never hear it again. 

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