Thursday, December 18, 2008

El Peje Can't Quit Them

The PRD and AMLO seem to be in that weird stage of a relationship when it's over but it just won't end. People close to AMLO have revealed that he is going to take his 2 million followers with him to support the PT and the Convergencia in 2009. (A lot was made of that number. Two million is a big number when only about 40 million total vote in the presidential elections, but I question how reliable the figure itself is, as it came from AMLO, and, even if it's true, how dependable those people are. I belong to dozens of video clubs, fan clubs, political groups, preferred coffee drinker clubs, et cetera, none of which can count on me for anything more than an email address. Even if they are genuine followers, I imagine that it doesn't represent people drawn from other parties, but rather the hard core of support we always knew AMLO had.) At the same time, Ricardo Monreal, who just defected from the PRD Senate bloc to the PT, says AMLO will not be leaving the PRD.

Someone who works for Jesús Ortega also claims that after a recent night out drinking, AMLO called Ortega 17 times, 13 of them to tell him how much he hated Ortega, and four to apologize and say that he wants things to be like they were before, and that he still loves the PRD, and that even if the party decides that it is better off without him, he will understand, he'll always love the PRD. That has not, however, been corroborated.


Anonymous said...

Ortega is holding out for AMLO to show up outside his window in the rain holding up a boombox playing "In Your Eyes."

You're right about the email list; hell, I'm probably on there since I signed up for some 2006 recount petition. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing AMLO leave the PRD one bit, so whatever makes him feel powerful enough to walk away is fine by me.

pc said...

Haha, yeah we're not quite to the point in the movie yet.