Saturday, August 23, 2008

Going Backwards

The LA Times summarizes the proposals coming out of the National Security Council session earlier this week. It mentions the political sniping that has persisted throughout this present security crisis. 

Before that, Alejandro Martí, discussing the challenges in improving Mexican security, offered a barbed suggestion to public officials: 
Gentlemen: if you think the bar is very high, if you think it is impossible to do, if you can't, quit. But don't continue occupying government offices, don't continue receiving a salary for not doing anything.
Before that, the Bajo Reserva column, which appears in El Universal, reported:
It's absolutely serious that Marcelo Ebrard doesn't want to shake hands nor sit with President Felipe Calderón. For the first time they will find themselves in the session of the National Security Council and the perredista [Ebrard] doesn't want a photo.

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