Friday, August 29, 2008

Abortion in Mexico

Mexico's Supreme Court delivered a ruling a couple of days ago that clears a hurdle to legalized abortion. The Times calls this a setback for Calderón, and it is, though he has been careful not to spend too much political capital on it.

I heard on Pedro Ferriz de Con's radio show this morning that 72 percent of his listeners had come down agains the ruling, which would seem to be a pretty strong argument against legalized abortion in Mexico. However, his presumably conservative audience plays a big role here. I dug up a poll by Consulta Mitofski that shows 59 percent of Mexicans are in favor of legalized abortion. I'm guessing the latter poll is a more accurate reflection of the Mexican population.

Let's dedicate this Friday to heated American reproductive hot-button issues, transplanted to Latin America: take a look at Chile's squabbles over the morning-after pill here.

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