Monday, August 18, 2008

Cool Dude

Michelle Cottle argues that Barack Obama's cool demeanor is a disadvantage in these stressful times, that Americans should see him convey some sense of the urgency and alarm they feel about the economy particularly, but also in regard to foreign policy flareups like Russia's invasion of Georgia.

I agree that Obama needs to show some urgency, but more as it relates to his campaign than on the issues and events making news. I've never felt that an Obama victory was less likely (although I think it's still probably a coin flip) than I do now. The polls (both nationally and in key states) have been moving in McCain's direction recently, and a big reason is that Obama isn't being aggressive enough. McCain has flipped on more positions than Kerry ever did. He has said that his grasp of the economy is quite limited. He has foreign policy views (and a cohort of foreign policy advisers) well to the right of the mainstream. The image of McCain as a moderate maverick is simply wrong, but not enough voters recognize this, and it's Obama's job to inform the public of this. I understand that he wants a new brand of politics, but there's no dishonor in going negative if you aren't tarring the man personally.

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