Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lots to Criticize

On, Álvaro Vargas Llosa has a thorough takedown of the Hugo Chávez's misiones, his social programs aimed at the poorest Venezuelans. It it covers a lot of the same ground as this forceful essay in Foreign Affairs by Francisco Rodríguez earlier this year. 

If that's not enough Chávez for this Thursday, check out this on-line debate between Andrés Martínez and Angelo Rivero Santos, the deputy chief of mission at the Venezuelan Embassy.

Among the highlights, this from Martínez:
The rush to accept the status quo once Chavez had been temporarily deposed did raise questions about U.S. intentions and fed conspiracy theories about U.S. involvement. So on that point, I agree with you.

Which is good, because your second point is, well, absurd. To say that Venezuela supports the war on terror but opposed the military action against Afghanistan would be like me saying I am leading the charge against lung cancer but smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

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