Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Raul's Cheddah

The Swiss government will return to Mexico $74 million that had been in the account of Raul "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Accent Mark Over the U" Salinas. Raul “Mr. Ten Percent” Salinas is now living freely in Mexico, having recently been freed following 13 years in prison. According to the note linked above, Mexican investigators demonstrated that the money was diverted from public funds, so the next step was for the Swiss to send the money back to Mexico. So what’s next? Does this mean that Salinas is on his way back to the big house? Stay tuned.

For more about the sticky fingers of Raul “I Got More Long Nicknames than Dirty Bank Accounts” Salinas, read Bordering on Chaos, Opening Mexico, Ojos Vendados, or pretty much any book that talks about Mexico in the 1990s.

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