Saturday, January 30, 2010

Finding Fault

Ciro Gómez agrees with Gancho that the anger at the government for the Cabañas shooting is misplaced:
Forgive me those who reflexively blame everything on the corruption of the government: federal, state, municipal, or all of them together. For the fight there two people responsible: Salvador Cabañas and JJ. And the criminal negligence of an owner who allowed armed people to walk around without shame or bother in his Bar Bar.


Without a pistol being involved, surely Cabañas or JJ would be recovering from a broken nose, the result of a bar fight, like those in Barcelona, London, Miami, or Mexico City.

The difference, the unfortunate part, one of them brought a pistol. Detecting it there, confiscating it there, wasn't the responsibility of the government, nor of the closing time.

Two emboldened parties. An irresponsible owner. A bar fight. With a pistol.

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