Thursday, December 10, 2009

Regional Polling

Latinobarómetro's 2009 polls are on their way out, and Boz has some commentary here.

He mentions that 58 say that they would approve of the military's removal of a president who violated the consitution. That is a bit unsettling, but I think this could be a case where polls lie a bit. It's impossible to know what the frame of mind was for the yes voters, but I think it's a fair guess that the majority of them weren't avidly following the Honduras coup and its aftermath, nor did they mean to imply that they would support a military government. Constitutional violations can mean benign referenda maliciously interpreted, or they can refer to a president who dissolves Congress and attempts to install himself as president for life. I imagine the latter scenario is what danced in the minds of the Mexicans voicing support for a potential military coup.

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