Friday, August 28, 2009

The VAT Debate, Continued

The incoming deputies from the PAN are dismissing the possibility of a value-added tax, just as the PRI and PRD have for months. But Vázquez Mota later said it's not totally out of the question. And in a recent column, Jorge Fernández Menéndez argued that the PRI's opposition is bound to give way:
[E]ventually, the PRI will have to be the first to know that sooner or later it must accept that tax, above all if it wants to govern with a more solid economy in the future.
The PRI's opposition has been pretty absolute thus far, so I guess we'll have to see if Fernández's prophecy comes true. But the polling mentioned below and the worsening "fiscal shock" make it seem more likely than it did last month.

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