Monday, October 13, 2008

Beating Football Metaphors into the Ground

Noam Scheiber on McCain's floundering:
McCain still faces the same basic dilemma he faced heading into last week's debate: On the one hand, he needs to do something dramatic to catch up. On the other hand, doing something dramatic would reinforce his reputation for unsteadiness, which is a big part of his problem. McCain needs to come off as more even-keel, not less.
After reading the passage, the GOP candidate reminds me of nothing so much as a ground control offense down by two touchdowns in the fourth quarter. What they do well isn't going to be enough.

And, right-of-center columnists today ask McCain to put the gloves back on his campaign, a move which seems unlikely to reconstitute the sense of honor that eroded in the past couple of weeks as McCain's supporters and running mate all but accused Obama of being a terrorist. After all, the Patriots didn't run the score up much at all over the final two months last season, but everyone still hates them.

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