Thursday, May 15, 2008

Manlio and Felipe, Sittin' in a Tree...

This seems like an uncharacteristically strong endorsement of President Calderon from the PRI’s Manlio Fabio Beltrones, regarding the former's policies in the battles with drug cartels. It’s heartening to see support from across the aisle, especially considering that one major party would be unlikely to voice confidence in the president even if Satan came up to Earth and invaded Mexico. It also serves another example of the PRI learning how to use their minority status more constructively than it did under Vicente Fox. Granted, it’s a relatively insignificant example, but the PRI has helped pass a lot of major legislation, whereas from 2000-06 it was blocking everything.

In general, Beltrones' comment reminds of the old saw about politics stopping at the water’s edge, which is typically associated with the US in the Cold War. The only difference, of course, is that Mexico’s USSR lies inside its borders.

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